A-TYP, architektonický ateliér s.r.o., was found in 1991 as an association of architects worked especially on project design and civil engineering activities. Company has transformed on Ltd. company in 1992.
A-TYP provides entire master planning and project design of buildings in structural engineering.
Company employs architects and KPS designers, closely cooperates with specialized profession groups of designers in all parts of civil engineering.
It disposes of designers with professional qualification certificates for all civil engineering professions.
A-TYP uses progressive creation methods to make an architectural rendering - computer simulation, as well as modelmaking for project verification, which gives a realistic visualization of prepared building for an investor.
All project design in the company are computerized. Computer network connects all workplaces in the studio so it is available for more effective computer work and better quality of entire design process.
Main graphic software utilized for project processing is ARCHICAD. Company uses software AKALK,PYRAMIDA and CONTEC for budget procedure and time schedule. The software and hardware equipment allow to make any requested project as well as fotorealistic animations recorded on the video tape or DVD.